

Your place to talk

Discord established itself as a fan favorite for gamers to connect, obsess, and discover more about the games they love. As their users scaled, and the platform helped people connect beyond gaming, the brand needed to level up while staying true to its quirky culture. We worked closely with the Discord team to develop brand strategy, positioning, and a design refresh reflective of their blurple beginnings.

For Social

Where the world talks

Aside from its robust features, Discord’s value is simple. It’s the place people go to just talk. Talk to their friends, friends of friends, more-than-just friends, families, and chosen families. It’s a welcoming environment to share ideas, thoughts, feels, and laughs. Discord is where the world talks.

A Playful Polish

We refined Discord’s classic symbol Clyde, and made it come to life with a range of expressions. Playful and sophisticated Ginto brings a bold energy that doesn’t take itself too seriously.

Real-World Wumpus

Even though Discord’s universe lives primarily online, it was important for us to show how the brand could extend into real-world touchpoints. From signage and photography to conventions and inter-office gatherings, we imagined inviting new users into the community and honoring their OGs.

With thanks

Jason, Kevin, Bem, Tory, Wumpus and friends plus all the design crew at Discord. Thanks to Neil Jackson and Stephen Ong for helping bring our ideas to life through motion and dimension.
