

The real social network

Yubo is a video live-streaming app for anyone aged 12-25. It’s a place to hang out, meet people and just be yourself. The new brand identity explodes into action through stickers and tags that represent all the random chats, thoughts, and topics of conversation that happen on Yubo.

Brand, Campaign
For Social

Out with a bang

We launched the new identity with a global ad campaign. The new art direction style cried out for blue skies, so we shot on location in Sydney while running things from London. The campaign lit up bus shelters and billboards everywhere from Melbourne to Times Square. The Koto team mobilised people globally to shoot it in the wild, making this a mock-up free zone.


The brand is a celebration of the randomness of Yubo and the thousands of interactions constantly happening in the app. The UX is represented graphically through a series of stickers and tags that reflect popular conversation topics, all of which come to life through a poppy new color palette. And it’s all anchored by a voice that’s easy, non-judgemental, and low-pressure; showing that Yubo can be whatever you make of it.

Meet Bo

We felt that Yubo’s ever-changing, unexpected world needed a consistent element. That’s why we created Bo, a friend and ally to the community, who guides you through the Yubo world. They’re a reassuring presence for parents and new users, and one that adds a further shot of energy to the experience.

With thanks to

Sacha, Jérémie, Alia our amazing Yubo clients and Leandro Assis, Hannah Scott-Stevenson, Oldie, Michael William Lester, Joel Egan, and Jane our great partners on this project
